smc podcast

What is a Design System and do I need one? [podcast #221]

In this episode of SMC, Charlie is joined by imageseven Account Manager James Tindall and Senior Designer Chris Leopardi. In the Making News segment, the trio discuss where out-of-home media fits into your paid advertising mix and how to leverage its strengths to increase your return on investment. In the Deep Dive, Chris takes us through Design Systems, including how they differ from a Style Guide, and the team explore how to work out if a Design System is right for your school. Finally, the team Rave about AAMI’s new campaign involving the Olympics.

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How to choose your digital marketing supplier [podcast #220]

In this episode of SMC, Charlie and Rita are joined by Digital Specialist Harrison Shearn, to discuss Meta AI’s announcement that they will be using historical data and images posted by users to train its model, and what this means for schools and school marketers. In the Deep Dive, the team discuss how to interpret digital marketing campaign reports, and setting expectations from your digital marketing agency. Our Question of the Month poses the question: Should I be using ChatGPT for social media? Finally, the team Rave about Telstra’s new stop motion ads starring Aussie wildlife.

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Perfecting page plans and a sour apple ad [podcast #219]

In the episode of SMC, Charlie, Rita and Vanessa go square-eyed discussing screen time trends and what it means for school marketers when considering their paid media activity. In the Deep Dive, Vanessa shares her knowledge on how to create perfect page plans and shares a free resource to help school marketers nail their next publication. Finally, in the Rants and Raves, the group discuss the latest apple ad that leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

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How to fix your OOH ads [podcast #218]

In this episode of SMC, Charlie and Rita Oooh and Ahhh about out-of-home media. In the Making News segment, the team discuss the proliferation of fake ads and what it means for creativity and the advertising industry as a whole. In the Deep Dive, the pair discuss an analysis of out-of-home effectiveness and what all school marketers can take away. Finally, they Rave about a fun (mini) out-of-home campaign for Cadbury Mini Eggs.

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Boosting conversions and why so much of advertising is a waste of money [podcast #217]

In the episode of SMC, Charlie is joined in the studio by his co-host Rita Kilroy, and imageseven Account Manager – Sophia White. In the Making News segment, the team discuss the City of Sydney spending hundreds of thousands of dollars removing out-of-home street furniture, and what school marketers can learn about placements. In the Deep Dive, the team discuss the power of ‘multitouch engagement’ and uniting admissions and marketing, before taking the (click)bait of John Le Cras’ recent piece ‘Why so much advertising is a waste of money’. Finally, in the Rants and Raves segment, the team rant about social media, and the dangers of building your brand on someone else’s (digital) land. 

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Is your post-tour process up to scratch? [podcast #216]

In the episode of SMC, Charlie is joined in the studio by his co-host Rita Kilroy, and imageseven Senior Account Manager – Isabella Tranchita. In the Making News segment, the team discuss the importance of local SEO for school marketers and how to capitalise on this low hanging fruit. In the Deep Dive, the team discuss Open Days and Discovery Mornings, and whether you and your team are maximising the post-tour stage to convert leads. In the Question of the Month, the team are asked about the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and how to get the most out of the question. Finally, in the Rants and Raves segment, the team rave about some great brand videos produced by Malvern College.

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Enrolment strategies and great recruitment ads [podcast #215]

In the first episode of the year, Charlie is joined in the studio by his co-host Rita Kilroy, and imageseven Account Manager – James Tindall. In the Making News segment, the team discuss the top 10 most valuable, and strongest, brands in Australia, and what school marketers can learn from these goliath brands. In the Deep Dive, the team discuss enrolment strategies for the new year and what school marketers and admissions teams could trial. Finally, in the Rants and Raves segment, the team raved about some of the great content promoting teaching and teachers from around the globe.

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Your Data Goldmine: unleashing the power of first-party insights for your school marketing [podcast #214]

In this episode, Charlie is once again joined in the studio by imageseven Account Managers – James Tindall and Sophia White. In the Making News segment, the team discuss Ticketek’s recent fine for marketing spam breaches and what school marketers can learn. Unfortunately, the Deep Dive was shallower than usual due to a recording malfunction, but the team discuss common survey challenges and how to avoid them. No Rant and Rave segment this episode but expect a bumper SMC to close the year!

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Fantastic surveys and where to find them [podcast #213]

In this episode, Charlie is once again joined in the studio by imageseven Account Managers – James Tindall and Sophia White. In the Making News segment, the team discuss Ticketek’s recent fine for marketing spam breaches and what school marketers can learn. Unfortunately, the Deep Dive was shallower than usual due to a recording malfunction, but the team discuss common survey challenges and how to avoid them. No Rant and Rave segment this episode but expect a bumper SMC to close the year!

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