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180: Substantiating teacher quality – interview with Matt Pfeiffer

In this episode, we are joined by psychologist Dr Matt Pfeiffer to discuss his model TXcel Education, which aims to enhance the educational effectiveness of teachers. TXcel is a professional development model which uses surveys to allow teachers to receive a range of feedback and help them enhance their teaching effectiveness. Matt talks us through the development of the model, as well as how TXcel is used in practice in schools. Finally, we discuss the connection between marketing and communications and quality of teaching and what this means for school Heads.

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What is a Design System and do I need one? [podcast #221]

In this episode of SMC, Charlie is joined by imageseven Account Manager James Tindall and Senior Designer Chris Leopardi. In the Making News segment, the trio discuss where out-of-home media fits into your paid advertising mix and how to leverage its strengths to increase your return on investment. In the Deep Dive, Chris takes us through Design Systems, including how they differ from a Style Guide, and the team explore how to work out if a Design System is right for your school. Finally, the team Rave about AAMI’s new campaign involving the Olympics.

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179: Global lessons from the 2024 IBSC Annual Conference

After presenting at the 2024 International Boys’ School (IBSC) Annual Conference held in London, United Kingdom, Andrew Sculthorpe (Scully) shares his learnings from picking the minds of school Heads from 145 countries around the world. Focusing on the Conference’s theme ‘Tradition, leadership and innovation’, he shares some of the knowledge he picked up, such as the challenges facing boys’ schools, the similarities and differences in marketing efforts between single-sex and co-ed schools and the prospective parent journey.

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How to choose your digital marketing supplier [podcast #220]

In this episode of SMC, Charlie and Rita are joined by Digital Specialist Harrison Shearn, to discuss Meta AI’s announcement that they will be using historical data and images posted by users to train its model, and what this means for schools and school marketers. In the Deep Dive, the team discuss how to interpret digital marketing campaign reports, and setting expectations from your digital marketing agency. Our Question of the Month poses the question: Should I be using ChatGPT for social media? Finally, the team Rave about Telstra’s new stop motion ads starring Aussie wildlife.

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178: AI 101 for school Heads

In this episode, we are joined by Brendan Schneider, an expert in digital marketing for schools and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. We discuss the growth in AI and break down some of its accompanying terms and jargon. Brendan tells us how he believes AI is going to (and has already) change the world of school marketing

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177: Marketing buzzwords you should know – Part 2

In this episode, we pick up where we left off from SMJ175, continuing with our list of marketing jargon that school Heads might encounter in order to help you interpret what you are hearing from your school’s marketing team. We discuss all the terms you might often hear, from ‘social media marketing’ to ‘CTAs’ and we try our best to explain them in simple terms and give you practical examples in a school-based context.

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176: Truth and tradition: Writing authentic school histories – interview with David Hastie

There comes a time in the life of every school when the time is right to make a permanent record of the school’s history. This episode, we are joined by Associate Professor David Hastie to understand the pitfalls and the benefits of writing your school history. David takes us through the steps of approaching such a project, and shares his advice and his takeaways from his vast experience of writing histories for independent schools.

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175: Marketing buzzwords you should know – Part 1

This episode, we discuss some of the jargon in the marketing industry to help school Heads interpret what they are hearing from marketers and understand the process behind what is going on in their schools marketing programs. We discuss all the terms you might often hear, from ‘brand awareness’ to ‘CX’ and try our best to explain in simple terms for your understanding and then give you practical examples in schools.

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Perfecting page plans and a sour apple ad [podcast #219]

In the episode of SMC, Charlie, Rita and Vanessa go square-eyed discussing screen time trends and what it means for school marketers when considering their paid media activity. In the Deep Dive, Vanessa shares her knowledge on how to create perfect page plans and shares a free resource to help school marketers nail their next publication. Finally, in the Rants and Raves, the group discuss the latest apple ad that leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

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174: Strategy with the customer in mind – interview with Tom Olverson

In this episode, we are joined by Tom Olverson, a veteran school Head of 27 years who is now a specialist search consultant with RG175 and a mentor to current school leaders. We discuss his book, Leading Through Strategy, How Business Principles Can Help Independent Schools Thrive, which explores his personal journey leading schools across the USA, the lessons he learnt and how to use strategy to find your school identity.

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