John Paul II
Catholic School

Case Study

The School

Branding: Guides, Strategy, Visual Identity

Marketing: Digital, Website

John Paul II offers a balanced and holistic education to students aged 3 to 12. Located in a thriving community on the Eastern Shore of Hobart, John Paul II is a Catholic School that provides an inclusive and nurturing primary education.

The Challenge

John Paul II first engaged imageseven to combat complex challenges within the school. The college’s visual identity was unclear and a reputational issue needed to be addressed. These issues culminated in a downturn of enrolments, impacting the budget and what provisions could be offered.

The Solution

imageseven was able to highlight the importance of visual identity, which was overlooked. A Discovery Session with stakeholders and parent interviews were arranged to gather information and identify where the issues lay. Several questions were discussed: What is the school’s mission and purpose? Why should someone choose John Paul II over a competitor? What is the most important message you must communicate? Following this research, a strategy was developed recommending marketing initiatives to overcome these issues.

Once the steps were put in place, John Paul II quickly saw results and the school’s visual identity improved. The new contemporary logo was well received, and the style guide allowed staff to match the internal process to the external branding.




imageseven provided the extra workforce with tailored skills, intellectual capacity and strategic insight to combat our visual identity concerns.

Mr Brendan Gill, Principal