Searching for the purple duck
To be effective with any content marketing strategy, you’ve got to develop a distinctive — as opposed to distinct — point of view for the story you’re telling or the value you’re delivering at your school.
To be effective with any content marketing strategy, you’ve got to develop a distinctive — as opposed to distinct — point of view for the story you’re telling or the value you’re delivering at your school.
Good schools will often be good at communicating their vision. They will tell a good story when it comes to delivering on their promises. But I can’t help but wonder what would happen if we started to express our institutional vulnerability a little more. Or as Brené Brown suggests in her book, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, maybe we should start, “ … pay[ing] attention to the space between where we’re actually standing and where we want to be,”
No-one says, “I’m going to be unfair to this person today, brutal in fact, even though they don’t deserve it or it’s not helpful.”
Few people say, “I know that this person signed the contract and did what they promised, but I’m going to rip them off, just because I can.”
Human beings are often more effective when we’re a bit self-effacing. “I think,” “Perhaps,” or “I might be missing something, but … ” are fine ways to give our assertions a chance to be considered.
Before you decide to work with a creative team, particularly on a major project, try your best to meet with prospective candidates in person. More so than a call or video chat, this lets both parties see the other in action. You get to read each other’s body language. You get to have small talk, which can be the foundation for a (work) friendship. And one of you gets to see where the other works, which obviously can tell you a lot about a person and their organisation. Just as crucially, a face-to-face meeting can set the tone for all that’s to come. Here’s a simple plan to get things going in the right direction.
I am by nature a curious person — one of those kids in the class who constantly annoyed their teachers with the question “Why?” Why does this mathematical formula apply to triangles? Why did Napoleon invade Russia? Why do I have to rule a line down the left side of the page rather than the right?
We live in an age where all schools tend to look the same. In fact, if you are a prospective parent, choosing a school in a location that offers a range of options is no easy task.
Digital advertising has turned millions of people and organisations into not just the target of ads, but the advertisers as well.
But it doesn’t easily answer the obvious question: Did that ad work?
According to research conducted by Glassdoor — the professional services’ answer to TripAdvisor — 74% of active job seekers are likely to apply for a job if the employer actively manages its employer brand. As many schools and businesses continue to feel the ripples of The Great Resignation era, ensuring that your school is at the top of the proverbial pecking order for the best teaching talent should certainly be a priority. But the question is, a priority for whom?
The purpose of strategy is to position an organisation relative to its competitors, something many independent schools are too afraid to do.
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