5 ways to improve the visual content of your school emails

Email is still one of the most widespread mediums for marketing. Every day we open our inbox to find a plethora of different marketing newsletters from thought leaders in our industry. A daily delivery of the latest blogs, articles, videos and other great content delivered right to our door. Now, let’s be honest, we don’t read every blog in every email because we’ve got work to do, but most of us are drawn to the emails that have attractive designs and engaging visuals. With that in mind, you need to consider how to make your emails as visually appealing as possible, so that once they are opened, they stay open.

Here are five ways to improve the visual content of your school emails.

1. Use of images
Let’s start with the basics. If you haven’t got an image of some sort anywhere in your email, then you are missing out. Images break up the writing, provide colour, add context and so much more. But be careful – too many images will slow your email loading time right down and can be bad for spam filters.

2. Choose the right font
This is another basic step but there’s no harm in a reminder. Ensure you are using the correct font chosen for your school’s communications. Hopefully you have a school style guide that will tell you what font you should be using.

3. Have a background
Adding a gentle background colour will give your school email a more professional look and remove the dull white backdrop that your school community might be used to. Lighter colours are usually better.

4. Have an engaging header
Consistently having an engaging, on-brand header helps your community recognise your school email more easily and encourages them to read on. Your school crest and motto are a great place to start. The header will likely be the first thing your reader notices so make it clear, engaging and consistent with your school’s branding.

5. Link everything
Whether you are trying to get your parents to sign up to your school newsletter, buy tickets to the end of year concert or register for a school tour, the more opportunities you give them to easily convert interest into action, the more likely they will.

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