How to develop high-converting school marketing content

It’s nothing new – the internet is the ultimate battleground in the fight for our attention. How to develop high-conversion content as a marketer requires tactical effort and an overall strategy. You must produce a varied content offering.

It is estimated that over 7.5 million blog posts are uploaded each day, along with over 500 hours of YouTube videos per minute.

So, how can you produce great content that gets noticed? Content marketers either stick with strategies that work or tackle new approaches. It is important to realise that the content you produce ought to relate to the various stages of your marketing funnel (attract, convert, close, delight), and that you should create your content calendar with this in mind in order to keep your firm’s content interesting.

Here are three ways to develop high-converting school marketing content:

  1. Write ‘the’ headline
    “On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” David Ogilvy
  2. Create a captivating CTA
    You want to have a strong call-to-action (CTA) that evokes a sense of urgency. The placement and colour of your CTA is as important as the message itself. Ahead of publishing, test all elements of your CTA including placement, colour and button design. The CTA is key to converting your visitors. Words like ‘you’, ‘because’, ‘free’ and ‘instantly’ drive conversions.
  3. Use an easy to scan format
    Your readers will scroll down a page and cherrypick content that is relevant to them. Showcase the valuable pieces, evoke curiosity and lead your readers to a strong CTA with a well-designed layout.

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